The development and relationship of political polarisation and affective polarisation in the Basque Country and Catalonia (1994-2021). A comparative study
In this project a longitudinal study is carried out, across practically the last thirty years, on the processes of political polarization (both ideological —left-right axis, and nationalist—) and affective polarization in the Basque Country and Catalonia, in a comparative manner. To this end, the post-election CIS (Sociological Research Centre) surveys carried out since the mid 90’s will be used. The Weighted Polarization Index (Dalton, 2008) will be applied in the case of ideological and nationalist polarization, and the Affective Polarization Index (Reiljan, 2020) for the rest; until now the latter has not been applied to both territories. The specific objects of study that will be developed from a quantitative point of view will be three: the evolution of the ideological and nationalist positioning of the political forces involved; the different trends in the political dynamics of each community (centripetal or centrifugal); and the relationship between these types of polarization. With regard to the latter, losely correlated in the Catalan case, but not in the Basque case. Contrasting this with the results of other studies of two-party and multi-party systems on polarisation.Downloads
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