Malapportionment as a factor associated with «islandness»
The study of what the nation entails has overshadowed the study of other subnational forms. Specifically, the forms adopted in the island territories. Throughout the planet there are different island-type government forms where in most cases, rather than independence, alternative forms of autonomy are sought, developing constitutional formulas of coexistence between island systems and continental systems. In this article, based on the study A comparative analysis of Island Region Autonomy by Eve Hepburn (2010), a review will be made of the variables used to measure the degree of autonomy achieved by different archipelagic territories, as well as to discover why island territories tend to more towards an asymmetric form of relationship with the governments of the nation-state of which they are a part and not towards independence. Among these variables, the factors associated with «islandness» stand out, a concept that in turn helps to understand the differential elements of the island when studying different territories in comparative analyses, to which malapportionment will be added as another factor, as it is an index which is pronounced in insular cases, thus offering one more variable in the study of insular territories.Downloads
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