A posponed breach?, Basque woman, sport and francoism
Several researches have pointed out the woman’s diglossia situation compared to men in sports matters. Nevertheless, there are just few researches that deepened the socio-historical causes that has raised that discriminatory situation. Therefore, this research was proposed with the fundamental target of knowing whether or not there was a survival of certain values of the Franco dictatorship, in relation to women and their sports practice, in part of the territory of basque roots. For that, the social and cultural experience of different women from diferent parts of said territory was analyzed, as well as the prevalence or not of social patterns linked to the athlete women emanated from francos regime. The research was based on 50 personal interviews with professional athletes, former athletes, or semi profesional athletes of sports such as athletics, handball, cycling, mountain climbing, football, basque ball or rowing.Downloads
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