Neologisms in political science. Analysing the challenger party concept

Keywords: populisms, populists, extreme right, radical right, political parties


Parties are complex and changing political actors that have been adapting their organizational structures and strategies depending on the context in which they operate. Due to the need to understand the evolution of parties in recent decades, new analytical categories such as «challenger party» have emerged. In this article we focus on the review and reconstruction of the concept of «challenger party». Following the methodology set out by Giovanni Sartori, first of all, we will examine the problems that have arisen due to use. Secondly, we will try to investigate the etymological roots and the context in which the term arises. Thirdly, we will logically order the conceptualizations proposed to date, trying to find the common and central defining elements of the phenomenon. Something that will lead us to formulate a renewed conception of the concept.

Received: February 25, 2024; Final version: May 28, 2024.


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Author Biography

Unai Ahedo Rodríguez, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, España

Doctor en Ciencia Política (2023), Máster en Participación y Desarrollo Comunitario (2016) y Graduado con excelencia en Ciencia Política y Gestión Pública (2015) por la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Actualmente es profesor en el Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social de la UPV/EHU. Asimismo, desde 2018 hasta 2022, ha sido investigador predoctoral en el Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración de la misma universidad. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en las temáticas de los populismos, los partidos políticos, los sistemas de partidos y las democracias. Entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentran: “Podemos y el Populismo” (; “Revisando el concepto de partido político: reconstruyendo, conectando, reclasificando” ( y “Populismo, un concepto y una palabra controvertida”.


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How to Cite
Ahedo Rodríguez, Unai. 2024. “Neologisms in Political Science. Analysing the Challenger Party Concept”. Inguruak. Revista Vasca De Sociología Y Ciencia Política, no. 76 (July), 17-41.