Community social action of migrant women’s associations in a time of crisis

Keywords: female immigrants, crisis, associations, community, social work


This article analyzes the socio-economic and family situation of women immigrants in the Basque Country. It mainly focuses on their collective action and the different ways they use to face the difficulties derived from their migration projects and their living conditions at the present time of crisis. Using a qualitative methodology (in depth interviews), this article highlights the role of women immigrants’ associations from the perspective of the community social action, and the value of their self-organization as a necessary way to the change towards an inclusive and equitable society. Despite of their weak organizational structure, these associations offer psychological and social support, work orientation and training, cultural programs and leisure activities, spaces for the conciliation of family and work, small self-employment initiatives, activities to increase the sensitivity on migration and/or gender issues, etc. Even, they become very often the entrance door for their members to the public and private network of social services. Thus, these associations are key resources in the community social action. So, it is necessary to keep them in mind in the process of planning policies and interventions, and it is also necessary to support them in their process of strengthening in order to be able to count on them as important agents for the coordinate social action.


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Author Biographies

Trinidad L. Vicente Torrado, Universidad de Deusto
Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas y miembro del Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe de la Universidad de Deusto. Miembro del equipo Retos sociales y derechos humanos en un mundo en transformación de la Universidad de Deusto.
Amaia Unzueta Sesumaga, Kambotik Consultoría Social
Trabajadora Social e investigadora principal de Kambotik Consultoría Social
How to Cite
Vicente Torrado, Trinidad L., and Amaia Unzueta Sesumaga. 2016. “Community Social Action of Migrant women’s Associations in a Time of Crisis”. Inguruak. Revista Vasca De Sociología Y Ciencia Política, no. 61 (December).