Basque Radical Rock. Constituting the political subjects through the music

  • Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Keywords: Basque Radical Rock, political identity, nationalism, counter culture, violence


The «Rock Radical Vasco» or Basque Radical Rock has had a deep and transcendental influence and impact over the Basque youth in the last three decades. It has directly or indirectly made possible the birth of some new movements of great social and political relevance. These aforementioned movements have been in general leaded by young peers ready to confront the existing hegemonic sociopolitical powers. The «Rock Radical Vasco» organized for long years a fierce resistance against the political, judicial and police structures that tried by all means to criminalize and illegalize what they considered to be a transgressor and highly dangerous movement against their own status quo.The present paper tries to decode some of the key elements behind the emergence and spreading of this musical but also political movement, that so deeply influenced the youth of the time, overstepping the ideological boundaries and limits of the Basque Country. Likewise, we will analyze the transcendental role performed by the Punk movement within the «Rock Radical Vasco.Different sources and experts had been consulted when writing the present theoretical paper to tackle in the most objective manner this yet polemic topic. We will also consider as reference sources some of the most prestigious voices in the field, some of them also being part of the very same process or movement.


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Author Biography

Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

Dortor en Ciencia Política con mención Internacional por la Universidad del País Vasco. Profesor en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, UPV-EHU. Profesor Funcionario de Carrera de Inglés en el Departamento de Educación del País Vasco. Licenciado en Filología Vasca por la Universidad de Deusto. Licenciado en Filolofgía Inglesa por la Universidad de Deusto.

Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad de Deusto.

Master en Migraciones, Resolución de Conflictos y Cohesión Social por la Universidad de Deusto.

Master en Nacionalismo Vasco en el Siglo XXI por la UPV-EHU

How to Cite
Roman Etxebarrieta, Gorka. 2018. “Basque Radical Rock. Constituting the Political Subjects through the Music”. Inguruak. Revista Vasca De Sociología Y Ciencia Política, no. 64 (July).