New audimetries for Basque language: a qualitative approach to media in the Internet age

  • Koldo Diaz Bizkarguenaga University of Deusto
  • Xabier Landabidea Urresti Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
  • Gorka Salces Alcalde Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Keywords: Basque language media, Internet, consumption, subscriptions, motivations, transitions


There has never been as many media in Basque language as today. The variety of formats and contents is greater than ever, as well as their geographical coverage. However, to understand their real influence in the era of media convergence it is necessary to overcome the precarious agreements on audience measurement. Therefore, it is essential to employ qualitative methodologies along with quantitative approaches. Only that way could we explore how and why do (and do not) Basque speakers consume media, and what is the role played by them in the linguistic revitalization. This research note collects the basic methodological proposal developed by the authors and the preliminary results of the fieldwork conducted in close collaboration with Hekimen elkartea regarding the ways in which Internet users consume contemporary analog and digital Basque media.


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How to Cite
Diaz Bizkarguenaga, Koldo, Xabier Landabidea Urresti, and Gorka Salces Alcalde. 2016. “New Audimetries for Basque Language: A Qualitative Approach to Media in the Internet Age”. Inguruak. Revista Vasca De Sociología Y Ciencia Política, no. 61 (December).