Big Data: The Big Data revolution in Public Administration
Data has been, is and will be the most important resource of an organization, whether private, governmental or in any sector. In this work we can see that Big Data not only directs us to the data, but we can also find different technologies, techniques, paradigms and methods that can help us to solve different problems. But, in order to make use of these paradigms, different reference architectures have been created to facilitate the use of Big Data. It can be seen with the passage of time that this phenomenon is gaining a lot of weight in the public sector, and even in a very accelerated way. In one of the last sections, we will be able to analyze different sectors (tourism, health and urban management) where Big Data has gained significant weight in different countries, and how it has been developing its power. It can be observed, as indicated by the authors Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier, that this is the «massive data revolution».Downloads
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