Gender approach

At Inguruak we are aware that traditionally in the academy a model of scientific production and knowledge construction marked by androcentric and patriarchal biases has prevailed. In an effort to break this reality in academic and institutional dynamics and spaces, we share with our readers and editors our commitment to achieving gender equality. The journal Inguruak promotes the incorporation of a gender approach in the writing and publication of its articles, and also promotes the dissemination and visibility of the contributions made by women and non-binary people in the scientific field, both past and present, as a mechanism to combat the discrimination, inequality and violence that various groups have systematically suffered in the field of scientific production. To achieve these objectives, the journal Inguruak suggests a guide of considerations to be taken into account in the process of drafting scientific papers; peer reviewers will take special care to ensure that the texts are respectful of inclusive language.

The journal Inguruak will also take into consideration those works that take into account the gender variable in the data collection process. In this way, the creation of indicators disaggregated by sex and gender indicators that can provide specific data on women or non-binary people is encouraged, as well as making comparisons with data that refer to the category of men.

It will be positively valued that the works consider a bibliography that takes into consideration works that promote gender equality, as well as works that aim to contribute to knowledge within the framework of gender and that defend equality between human beings.

In research carried out by research teams or in co-authorship, it is recommended that gender balance is promoted in the people involved and that participation is carried out in an egalitarian and respectful manner, encouraging the values of non-violent communication, collaboration and collective work. The articles must be signed by all the authors, with the full names of each one.

By following these recommendations, Inguruak aims to ensure that both our authors and our readership take on and internalise values such as gender equality and equity, the richness of diversity and interdisciplinarity, the value of using participatory and egalitarian methodologies, the commitment to research for change and the improvement of society, and the importance of questioning and critical reflection.